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Patent Office
ASTS Patent & Law is:

Comprehensive, individually profiled services for the registration, protection and enforcement of industrial property rights, in the field of:



  • TRADEMARKS, including:



  • LITIGATION, including

  • MANAGEMENT ASTS Patent & Law Spółka z o.o. :

    AS President of the Management Board

    Specializing in intellectual and industrial property issues, unfair competition and disputes related to web domains.

    Having graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Silesia in Katowice, completed post-graduate studies in Industrial Property Law at the University of Warsaw. From 1998 to 2000 working in a consulting and engineering company in Katowice, with responsibilities covering the legal aspects of the company's energy projects. From 2001 to 2002 an in-house lawyer employed in Warsaw by an IT company, gaining an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and experience in the area of intellectual property law, particularly in the area of licensing and technology transfer. Starting from 2002 to 2006 running an individual law firm providing legal services to both individual and corporate clients, especially in business and commercial matters. Since 2006 employed as a legal counsel in one of the largest banks in Poland, in charge of IT issues, new technologies/services, including cloud computing, with particular emphasis on copyright and licensing.

    Professional qualifications:

    • legal counsel (Kt 2216)
    • patent Attorney (3253)
    • representative of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) - EU Marks and Designs

    e-mail: anna.szczurek@asts.com.pl
    phone: +48 600 240 359

    AS Vice President of the Management Board
    Jacek SZOPLIK

    Specializing in administrative law (structure and principles of functioning of the public administration), substantive law (rights and obligations of public administration and citizens) and procedural law (administrative procedures). Other specializations include all matters related to running a widely understood economic activity, including registered and licensed activities (investigation services, protection of persons and property, manufacturing of explosive articles, weapons, ammunition and also production and technology of materials for military or police purposes.

    Having graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Silesia in Katowice, completed Police Officer studies at Police Academy in Szczytno in criminology. He worked in self-government administration, followed by working for the Police (starting in criminal department, then moving into the department of prevention). During his professional career and his service in the police, he has completed many various courses and trainings; has gained a very wide experience, practical and theoretical knowledge in his specializations.

    e-mail: jacek.szoplik@asts.com.pl
    phone: +48 605 885 508

    ASTS as a team:

    ASTS Patent & Law Sp. z o.o. cooperates with patent attorneys, lawyers and specialists, forming a highly qualified, experienced team and providing advice on matters entrusted to ASTS.